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Transformation Coaching







Clearing, activating and anchoring your energy centres (chakras) is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to fully heal from past and present issues.

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Learning to access your intuition and trust it is the key to living a happy, balanced, fullfilled and successful life and to be able to make the right decision every time.



There is always a deeper meaning to every challenge we face. Sometimes we just need to know where to look for answers,

activate your intuition

"There is always a deeper meaning to every challenge we face. The trick to overcoming them is to activate your intuition by seeking the deeper truth, and knowing who to turn to for guidance when needed. Then you will have the right answers for you, which will enable you to move forward"    Nikki Jordan 


Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do in your life? Why a relationship didn't work out, or why illnesses keep appearing, or why life often feels like you're on the merry-go-round unable to jump off?


Sometimes we just need hopeful guidance from the Universe. 

I created my Transformation cards for this very reason. To give daily guidance and hope. 


Spiritual understanding can provide immediate relief from what seems like relentless suffering. It is very freeing when you can understand why things happen to you the way they do, and what was behind the painful times.


If you are struggling to get over a bereavement of any kind, or a relationship break-up, job loss, financial struggles, then you may consider a Transformation session with Nikki, or try her Transformation cards as a daily source of guidance.

Book a 1x1 Transformation session to activate your intuition and create shifts in your life

Psychic CEO


HOLISTIC healing

The energy on our planet is rising rapidly. Our bodies are also rising in frequency. We are now connecting with our 12 strands of DNA.

We have to clear our sub-conscious programming, years of debris, trauma, pain, grief and many other blocks. Then we can move forward.

Holistic therapies work on the physical, emotional, metaphysical and spiritual bodies. They do not create new side effects to contend with.

Activating all 12 chakras and their inner chambers, and keeping them clear literally works to heal your past, your present, and sets things in motion for a healthy, balanced future. These activations are incredibly powerful.





"Nikki’s workshop on the 5th Dimensional Chakras was an incredible experience. It was a combination of theory and practice, of lecture and guided meditation. You hear and read the word “chakra” everywhere, but it was the first time that I heard a good explanation what it actually is and how it affects our lives. All this was coupled with examples from Nikki’s own experiences, which made it easy for participants to relate to. The guided meditation towards the end was beautiful, leaving us energized for the whole day. I look forward to the next workshop.


Daniel Schürer, Germany


1x1 Session

This 60-90 min 1x1 transformative session costs US$150. It is a powerful catalyst to bring about meaningful shifts in your own life. 


It is for someone who wants to move forward, but doesn't know how, or which path to take. Maybe you are in between jobs, or relationships, or you want more abundance in your life.  Or you may be a coach yourself and you want to expand your skills and help more people.


I use a combination of psychic intuition, energy healing, 5D chakra initiation, NLP, and EFT.


Each session will be done in accordance with your guides and my Transformation Cards which are aligned to your highest and most successful outcome. 



Online Courses 

All courses designed to act as a catalyst for your own advancement. 


I like to share the things that have had the most impact on me. They range from specialities I am trained in, to epiphany moments that I have had, to nudges I have had from the Universe to teach more broadly.


Online learning offers you flexibility. It is just as powerful as being in a live workshop, and it is an affordable way for anyone to access higher learning, healing, and help. The beauty of online courses are that you can do them when it's convenient for you.


Even though it's online, every course is infused with affirmations and the highest intention for anyone watching to receive exactly what they need at that particular time.  



Live Events

I love sharing my knowledge and expertise. At various times throughout the month, I run online webinars and in-person workshops on a specific topic from my main themes of:


* Living Vibrantly 

* Genius Animals

* GuruKids / Conscious       Parenting

* Nature

* Etheric Guides (Angels etc)


These sessions are powerful because my own guides create a safe space that allows for a community of like-minded people to learn together, and share experiences if they so wish.


I keep these at a manageable size, so if you want to be notified of each session, click below to enter your email address. 

LIVE group workshops

Half day / full day 

These small group sessions tackle powerful topics in a fun, and interactive way. They will either teach you to enhance your existing skills, or draw out skills that you didn't know you had! They typically have small groups and are run as 2 hours, half day, or full day sessions (depending on the topic).


One of my most popular sessions is on Transformation. It's called "Be The Psychic CEO Of Your Own Life"and it's aimed at those who are just starting out to explore their own intuition and what it all means. Using my deck of 44 Transformation cards, we bring out your own intuition and you give readings to others. This is a really fun and uplifting session where people are usually amazed at how accurate their intuition already is, and the cards validate what they are thinking. 




"Nikki is a wonderful teacher and she makes her courses easy to understand (even though the topics are bringing about deep inner work) and fun. I like that she adds her own personal stories to help me relate. I always walk out of the session wiser, happier, and with a much-needed understanding of myself and how I can fix my own problems. I've done a number of Nikki's courses and I thoroughly enjoyed the Psychic CEO course as I could use my own Transformation cards and practice on others."


Lisa Ditchburn, Australia



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