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Nikki Jordan

Coach, Author, Teacher, Podcaster

LOVE is the answer

my story...


Hi, I'm Nikki - a proud solo-Mum of a daughter and six fur-babies! I'm also a Transformation Coach, Teacher, Author, Angel Intuitive, Aromatherapist, Reiki Master, and a Podcaster.


Helping my clients and friends blast through what's holding them back and connecting them to their true path in life is my passion! 


In 2008, unexpectedly becoming a single parent in Hong Kong away from family and a solid support network forced me to re-prioritise my life. At that time, I was 14 years into a successful career as Executive Director in Human Resources at Goldman Sachs, and I loved it. But it also prevented me from being the parent I wanted to be to my five year old daughter.

In 2011, I made a decision that changed my life's path and chose the road less travelled. Everyone said I was crazy, but I trusted my intuition and left the safety and security of Goldman Sachs to raise my daughter.


I set up LOTOS International Group Ltd., and later Viva Jade Ltd., aimed at coaching leaders through their challenging lives and focusing on H.R. in companies. Both were successful and I loved every part of their unique journeys. And they led me to further learning in the areas of mental health, nutrition, Ayurveda, TCM, and how to heal my own body through physical illness and emotional trauma.


I love being a Transformation Coach for others! I flick the switch for people to develop and trust their own intuition. Through my work, people are learning to heal their own bodies and attract an abundance of healthy relationships and opportunities. Thereby having no need to look externally. Everything I do is "under grace" so it is always with the solid intention of the receiver getting exactly what they need to help them in that moment. The people I connect with have, and are experiencing radical shifts - for the better.


And I love it! Particularly as I get to work with amazing people, the Nature, incredible Animals, Ascended Masters, and the Spiritual Realms. Who wouldn't love that life?!


Nikki chakra pic from Habitat session.jpeg

When you speak to me, you will know what I am all about. And I am constantly learning about what I LOVE, particularly in the world of energy, quantum, spirituality, neurobiology, trauma, psychology (human and animal), Ascended Masters, geometric symbols and yantras, and higher living. And then I share this knowledge with others.


In the energy / healing / coaching area, I'm a trained Visionary Coach, ITEC Aromatherapist, Reiki Master and in Chakra Healing. Training with Charles Virtue in 2011 and 2012 ignited my connection to the Angels and I haven't looked back. Since then I have taken many spiritual courses which have been life-changing, and I teach what I am guided to with others.


I hold qualifications in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Child Psychology, Animal Psychology, and ITEC Anatomy & Physiology. I am currently studying the fields of "The Neurobiology of Trauma" and "Animal Diseases."


I am blessed to have received incredible training and knowledge downloads from many masters in India, and in particular my guru Swami Sri Kaleshwar. And that's not including the education I am receiving from the spiritual realms - that's really mind-blowing stuff, and I look forward to sharing this with you when we meet! 


"There is only one of you, and you have a purpose here on this earth. Everything you need to know is within you already. It just needs awakening - like flicking on a light switch to see in the dark. Be brave, take a chance, and leap forward! If you fail, you will have learned something along the way. And if you succeed you may far exceed your dreams. But if you don't try, you will never know. Isn't that worse than facing your fears?"   

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