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"GuruKids" is a term I use to describe the
amazing, intuitive, wise children in our world today.
THEY are here to guide us, teach us, AND bring harmony to the planet and our lives


Remarkable, highly evolved children have been incarnating since 2005 to radically change our world and how we exist in it. From 2010, even higher vibrational children have incarnated to bring in new energies, technology and teachings that many adults cannot wrap their heads around.


You may have already heard of terms such as "Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow" children.  When my daughter was very young, she said that there were also 'Flame' and 'Universal' children.


I coined the "GuruKids" phrase in the early 2000s when I was trying to become a Mum and I felt the world was very much looking at children as things, possessions or bargaining points. Irrespective of the terms we apply, the GuruKids are here to teach us many many wonderful things. As adults, we have to actively listen to them, keep them safe, and respect them for their own identities and ideas. 

What We



GuruKids are highly sensitive to additives in vaccines, food, water, processed food, toxins, pollution, and an unstable family environment that is overly rigid and rules-based where they cannot express themselves freely, or where they feel unsafe.  


All of this can manifest issues in the throat, or cause eczema, psoriasis, heat rashes, dermatitis, or skin irritations. They can cause issues in the digestive system, intestines, sinuses, ears, eyes, nervous system and reproductive system.  They can also cause emotional imbalances, coping issues, and sleep problems. 


It's not easy to fix or prevent these conditions, given our current world, but there are many things you can do as a parent to help your child.  Watch out for courses and webinars on this topic as Nikki will go through actionable ways to help your child. 



GuruKids are highly sensitive to additives in vaccines, food, water, processed food, toxins, pollution, and an unstable family environment that is overly rigid and rules-based where they cannot express themselves freely, or where they feel unsafe.  


All of this can manifest issues in the throat, or cause eczema, psoriasis, heat rashes, dermatitis, or skin irritations. They can cause issues in the digestive system, intestines, sinuses, ears, eyes, nervous system and reproductive system.  They can also cause emotional imbalances, coping issues, and sleep problems. 


It's not easy to fix or prevent these conditions, given our current world, but there are many things you can do as a parent to help your child.  Watch out for courses and webinars on this topic as Nikki will go through actionable ways to help your child. 



GuruKids are highly sensitive to additives in vaccines, food, water, processed food, toxins, pollution, and an unstable family environment that is overly rigid and rules-based where they cannot express themselves freely, or where they feel unsafe.  


All of this can manifest issues in the throat, or cause eczema, psoriasis, heat rashes, dermatitis, or skin irritations. They can cause issues in the digestive system, intestines, sinuses, ears, eyes, nervous system and reproductive system.  They can also cause emotional imbalances, coping issues, and sleep problems. 


It's not easy to fix or prevent these conditions, given our current world, but there are many things you can do as a parent to help your child.  Watch out for courses and webinars on this topic as Nikki will go through actionable ways to help your child. 

You're doing great - it's not easy!

For parents & teachers of Guru Kids and for Guru Kids themselves


GuruKids are often (but not always) diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, OCD and more labels that seem to come emerge often in our world.


It's important to reach out and discuss any issues you are facing with regards to parenting a GuruKid. I understand first-hand how challenging it can be until you truly are able to get onto your child's level and into their world. That's when you switch from being a parent, to a true guide, and your own intuition will kick in from that point onwards. You will undoubtedly be guided intuitively, and all you have to do then is read the signs and be the master guide for your child. 


Look out for my group chats and lives on this topic as you will be with like-minded people who are going through what you are going through, and others who have got through the challenges and are here to share their stories. 

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***All design, content and images are proprietary information and cannot be used, quoted, copied, or re-produced without

prior written approval from Nikki Jordan

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